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Obituary of Linda Bowen
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The Life Of
Linda Diane (Pantin Bowen)
July 31, 1942- July 31, 2021
Scamardella Funeral Home
332 Broadway
Staten Island, NY 10310
Wednesday August 4th, 2021 4pm-8pm
Monsignor Nick
Linda (Pantin) Bowen was born and raised in Port of Spain, Trinidad to Pauline and
Owen Pantin. Linda came to The United States in her early twenties where she met
and later married her loving husband Norman Christopher Bowen. Linda passed
away peacefully on the evening of her birthday of July 31, 2021 at her home here
on Staten Island, NY amongst her loving family. Linda is preceded by her brother
Anthony (Robin) Pantin and survived by another brother Leon (Erol) Pantin.
Linda later gave birth to her one and only beloved son Christopher Jayson Bowen
whom she loved dearly. Linda worked as a child care provider for thirty-five years
for the Seamans Society for Children here on Staten Island. Linda also worked part
time as a Personal Care Aide for the elderly for many years as well.
Linda was loved very much by her family amongst many others. Linda had a host
of grandchildren and great grandchildren that loved her too. Linda leaves behind
her loving husband Norman Bowen, beloved son Christopher Bowen and stepdaughter Maureen Bowen. Christopher’s wife Davideyah Sykes and also her
grandchildren Christopher Bowen Jr. (his wife DeAsia and children Christopher &
Cree) Justin Bowen, Dwayne Bramble and (his wife Diamond and son Nolan).
Linda leaves behind two daughter-in-law’s Jeanine and Taniyah along with grandchildren Christian-Donivan, (Donnie), Devina (whom Linda called her little Nina)
and Paige. Linda leaves behind two beautiful and supportive nieces Susan and
Stacey Taylor and their children Jessica & Jelana, and Elijah & Makaelah. Linda
also had a host of sister’s and brother -n-laws whom cherished her as well.
Hail Mary
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
The family wishes to express their sincere gratitude to all those who have
supported us during this time of loss
-The Bowen Family